Private Lessons

Private Lessons are 1 on 1 sessions, each lasting 60-90 minutes. These sessions take place either in-home or in a public location, depending on what is best for the dog. Private Lessons are a great way to begin building a better relationship with your dog.

Firstly, a consultation with you will help to get more information about you and your dog and design an individualized training plan based on your goals.

  • Private Lessons

Program Details

Program length varies between 4 – 8 Lessons, which are typically scheduled about 1 week apart. Upon completion of Private Lessons, you will be provided access to 10 group classes.

Group classes take place 1-2 times per week and rotate locations. Group classes last 1 hour and are a great way to proof behaviors around distractions!

While each program is individualized to the client and their dog, Private Lessons will follow the general structure listed below:


Analysis of Behavior and Discussion

Analysis of Goals (What’s realistic and what’s not?)


Building Skills Related to Goals

Proofing Skills around distractions

Working in-home

Working in public locations (parks, pet-friendly stores, downtown areas, etc.)

Finally, the Graduation to group classes!

Programs range in cost from $500 – $900